You can add a link 🔗 to your board that directs to things like a web address, email address, spreadsheet, or PDF document.

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Paste a link

You can add a clickable URL to a board by pasting it into a text block.

Add a link to existing text

In some cases, you might want to keep things tidy by adding the link to a line of text instead.

  1. Copy the link to your clipboard
  2. Highlight the text you wish to add the link to
  3. Click the link icon in the text toolbar
  4. Paste in the link and hit the return key

Create an email link

A "mailto" link is clickable text that automatically opens a new blank email in your email client (like Outlook or Gmail) and auto-fills to "To" email address.

  1. Highlight the text you’d like to add the mailto link to
  2. Click the link icon