Our inspiration search grabs design content from the likes of Design Inspiration, Behance and Colossal. It’s really useful for the kickoff of a project when you’re gathering ideas with your team.

Find inspiration search from a board

  1. If you’re on a board, go to the magnifying glass icon in the top left corner and click on the “Inspiration” tab
  2. Search for your keyword
  3. Add content to the board you’re on by clicking the “+” button on the image

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Find inspiration search from the dashboard

  1. If you’re on the dashboard, go to the magnifying glass icon in the top left corner
  2. Select “Inspiration” from the dropdown
  3. Search for your keyword
  4. Go to “Save to” on the item you’d like to add
  5. Search for and select the board you’ll like to save the image to or create a brand new board

Using “cmd+K” will open Search, whether you’re on a board or the dashboard.

<aside> 💡 If you see something you like you can click on the “More like this” button and it will pull in content with similar themes.


Questions? Get in touch