When you’re ready to start collaborating with the likes of your team or agency partner, you can invite them to a board and set their access level. Here’s how:

Learn how to invite your team to a board.

Learn how to invite your team to a board.

  1. Click the “Add People” icon on the board you’d like to share (beside your avatar at the top)
  2. Type the email address of the person you’d like to invite. You can invite multiple people at once by separating the email addresses with a comma
  3. Select their access level
  4. You can then amend the message, if you wish (this is the email copy)
  5. Hit “Send” and your invite will be sent to the relevant inbox/es

Access levels

Here's an overview of the different levels of access you can assign to a user:

<aside> 💡 You can change someone’s access level at any time by going to their avatar once they’ve joined the board, or via their user profile on the people page
